Doubt, The Devil's Most Powerful Weapon

Nancy Arant Williams

About Nancy
Guest Speaker
Editing Service
Nestle Down Inn



In many ways you and I are our own worst enemies when it comes to living an effective Christian life.

The scripture says in a thousand places and a hundred different ways that we were designed by the Master Designer for a purpose, to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. And to that end, God made Himself available to work through us, to complete us in areas where we lack. And though this isn’t exactly a news flash, He recently revealed something I’d never understood before. While faith is a powerful, living move of the Spirit, doubt and fear are just as powerful to hinder our walk with God. scripture says He loves us and will bend over backwards, running to our aid when we call. But doubt has the opposite effect as in “Let not the man who doubts think that he will get anything…” (James 1:7)

Praise and faith are like green lights to God, and He will indeed move heaven and earth on our behalf when we choose to stand in faith.

For years I walked in confusion, doubt, and fear, haunted by my own inadequacies. What I didn’t see was that God never intended for me to be perfect or powerful on my own. He says He adds to us what we lack, completing the work in us and making us effective for the work of God.

Believe me when I say I still see my inadequacies, but now I see them as opportunities to let God complete the work in me, and now instead of feeling frustrated, angry, depressed, or wallowing in self-loathing, I choose to say, “I believe you, God, and stand in faith, no matter what I see with my eyes.”

And I have been transformed. Completely, totally transformed, because my God was waiting for me to “get it” and now actually moves heaven and earth, running when I call, to work on my behalf in ways I’d never even imagined.

Doubt, fear and worry actually hinder God and His angelic hosts from doing anything to help, because doubt says to God, “I don’t think you love me enough or care enough to help me.” This kind of thinking ties God’s hands.

And if you’ve noticed, when you choose the pity-party route, it only cycles downward, landing you into despair that’s hard to break out of.

Well, I have good news for you. Praise and faith will break those bondages, miraculously marshalling all the forces of heaven, to change your circumstances. So the next time you’re tempted to doubt, just say, “I repent of doubt and stand in faith, praising you, no matter what I see with my eyes, because you are worthy of all my praise.” Then stand and watch the salvation of God. It’s incredible!




Copyright© 2012, Nancy Arant Williams  | Webpage by: Cheryl |