Declarations of My Identity


Nancy Arant Williams


About Nancy
Guest Speaker
Editing Service
Nestle Down Inn



These declarations have changed my life. So often we struggle to trust God, because we feel we aren’t worthy. And because believing God loves us is foundational to everything else we do, we must renew our minds, reinforcing and believing what God says about us. Repeat this exercise everyday and you’ll never be the same again.

 Stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, smile and with passion, repeat these words:

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

He puts a new song of praise in my mouth.

I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.

I am the apple of His eye, and He delights in me.

I am the beloved of God.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I am not who I used to be, but a brand new creature in Christ.

I am forgiven, and God has long forgotten things I refuse to let go. Therefore, I will no longer bring them up, but loose them.

I am changed by the renewing of my mind, replacing my old messages with the new and powerful words of anointing God says about me.

I will not fear, but will believe God in every situation.

I will stand on His promises, and refuse doubt and depression, because they are lies from the pit.

I will rejoice in the Lord, for He is the strength of my life.

My God sings a song of joy over me.

I will comfort myself in the truth of His Word that says He is my provider, my protector, my victory and my hope for the future.

I will abide in the Lord, believing Him for every good thing He wants me to have, the fruits of the spirit, the power that comes with living in His very presence, and the faith to believe for the impossible. For scripture says those who waiver and doubt will get nothing.

I will praise God with passion, yearning after Him, no longer satisfied with simply going through the motions, for only then will He hear my cry, and pour out His spirit on me.

I will wait upon the Lord, anxious to hear His voice and obey, ready in season and out of season to minister to those who need to hear and be encouraged.

Copyright©, Nancy Arant Williams


Copyright© 2012, Nancy Arant Williams  | Webapges by: Cheryl |